Film & Cinema

I began my journey in the creative world of digital media five years ago, and since I have had the opportunity to test my skills in a variety of roles and responsibilities. Having worked both in the feature film industry, as well as devoting my time and skills to smaller, often personal projects, I have had a chance to come to a better and ever evolving understanding of digital imagery, moving pictures and story telling.


Property Master

I believe the props department has a great deal of influence over the experience the actors have while shooting a feature film. Sometimes key props become icons of the picture or the character, still more often they are subliminal and hidden. However, the actors who must touch them, use them, interact with them will always feel a connection to the objects in hand. By providing the character with the right materials and shapes, convincing them that the item in hand is indeed their belonging; will allow actors to draw on that magic of the familiar, and deliver an even more compelling performance

She Never Died 2018

Art Director

As an Art Director, I have had the opportunity to assemble teams of highly skilled and creative individuals, who with proper leadership and guidance will bring their best to the project at hand. I believe it is the leaders job to make sure that while pushing their team in creating exceptional visual experiences for the viewer, the creativity and strength of each individual is brought out. With an allowance for everyone to grow and contribute to the final picture, a certain continuity and richness can be attained. Working in a supportive, yet competitive team environment will create the best possible product.


Freelance Creative

Devoted to creative and impactful visual story telling, I have experience filling numerous creative and technical roles on an ever growing list of personal and collaborative projects. Either as a team member or a leader, I am always looking to evolve my skills and push new boundaries, challenging myself and the team to tell better stories. I will bring to any venture my absolute best, regardless of the scale. No matter what the challenge is, with a solid team any project can be turned from vision into reality.
